Admission and Fees


Step 1.

  1. Provide the previous school’s examination certificate or report book.

  2. Provide 2 passport-sized photos

  3. Provide a copy of the birth certificate and parents’ NID cards.

  4. A transfer certificate will be required if student is being transferred from a different secondary school.

Step 2.

Student will take an Entrance Assessment

Step 3.

If performance is satisfactory and all documents have been duly submitted, and the required payments are made, the enrolment will be confirmed.

Fees for 2023

Registration Fee Rs15,000

Annual Fee Rs 5000

Monthly School Fee

Grade 7 - 9 Rs 7700

Grade 10 - 11 Rs 8000

Note: Registration fee is one-off and non-refundable.


School fees are to be paid by the start of each month, year, or term (based on the choice of installment). 

Monthly fees are over 12 months (January to December). 


Annual payment of school fees will receive a 5% discount (paid at the beginning of the year).