Our Story

Our school was initially founded to cater to students graduating from primary schools, who reside in the east, to continue their secondary studies.

Following the introduction of the nine-year schooling, graduating PSAC students were no longer able to join national colleges. Therefore, as per the concerns of primary school parents, we decided to open our secondary school to provide a platform for students to pursue their secondary school studies. Since then, our students have continuously excelled at their NCE examinations, securing seats in top Academies every year. 

Our plan for the future is to extend our classes to Grade 13.

We currently provide classes from Grade 7 to Grade 11 and we follow the curriculum set forth by the MIE up until Grade 9 and by Cambridge Internation Education from Grade 10 onwards.

We pride ourselves on the standard of education that we provide to our students. Our classrooms do not exceed more than 25 students. Great importance is given to extracurricular activities and currently, we provide weekly classes in music, swimming, and gymnastics.

Our vision: “To Shape the Leaders of Tomorrow

Our Philosophy

We started our journey in 2019 with a simple idea - to provide a common platform for students of different learning capabilities to excel collectively. We push fast learners to reach higher goals and we support slow learners to reach their potential. Our educators try their best to identify the type of learner each student is and we adapt our teaching method accordingly. As such, we keep each classroom to a small population of not more than 25 students to favour maximum individual attention. 

We also believe that students should not be confined to the four walls of their classroom. As such, our educators are tasked to make their classes more interactive through audio-visual aid, outdoor activities, and outings.

For example, in the Business and Entrepreneurship class, students had to set up a business and actually run the business for profit. For their Food Studies class, students participated in a ‘Junior Master Chef’ competition organised at school, where they were timed and judged on their cooking skills. 

We believe that parents and the school should work hand-in-hand. It is only by working together towards a common goal that we will be able to make each child reach their maximum potential. We always have and will put our students’ well-being at the center of our goal and vision.